Outreach, Mentoring and Professional Community

I am heavily involved in science outreach, mentoring and professional service. On this page are some of the organizations I have been involved with.


Yale Openlabs

Yale Openlabs is a graduate student organization aimed at outreach to the local New Haven community. In 2023 I served as Public Relations Chair, and have been an active member and volunteer over my graduate career. Some highlights:

Public Writing

In 2022 I won second place in the Joan and Arnold Seidel Science Writing Contest, and my article was featured in that year’s edition of the Griffith Observer Magazine. Check out a manuscript of the winning article here: A Hidden Planet in the Outer Solar System - The Search for Planet 9.

Yale Science in the News

Yale Science in the News is a student organization that presents cutting-edge science to the general public at local libraries. Check out my talk Hidden Things: Pulling Back the Veil on the Universe on Youtube!

Astronomy on Tap

Astronomy on Tap is an outreach organization that presents informal astronomy talks at local bars and pubs. I served as Social Media Director in 2022.

Teaching & Mentoring

Warrior Scholar Program

The Warrior Scholar Program aims to prepare enlisted veterans and transitioning service members for undergraduate level education. In 2023 I designed, wrote and taught a two-week bootcamp centered around understanding and applying methods of numerical integration.

Yale Astro Sibs

Yale Astro Sibs is an informal mentoring program that pairs graduate student mentors with undergraduate mentees. I have served as a mentor for three years running.

Professional Community

Emerging Researchers in Exoplanet Science (ERES)

I was one of the main organizers for the ERES VIII conference at Yale University in 2023. This conference hosted over 100 early-career exoplanet researchers for a two-day program in which travel, lodging and travel funds were completely covered for those in need. I served on the Scientific Organizing Committee as well as performing various administrative tasks on-site. A write-up of our experience hosting this conference is available on the Bulletin of the AAS here.

Yale Exoplanets and Stars Seminar

I have been the lead co-organizer of the Yale Exoplanets & Stars Seminar since 2023, a weekly seminar series involving both early-career speakers and discussions of recent relevant papers. If you are interested in speaking this year feel free to reach out.