About Me

I am a Astrophysics Ph.D Candidate at Yale University, advised by Gregory Laughlin. I am also a member of Malena Rice’s Research Group. I am broadly interested in exoplanet dynamics and architectures. Specifically, I have worked on numerical methods and tools, tidal and spin evolution, and how the structure of planets affects the details of their dynamics.

I grew up in Shanghai, China, and attended Caltech for my undergraduate studies where I received my Bachelor’s in Astrophysics and Minor in Computer Science in 2020. I have also spent summers at Carnegie Observatories (working with Therese Hansen, 2018) and UC Berkeley (working with Burkhard Militzer, 2019).

My other past and present collaborators, in alphabetical order: Qier An, Mirek Brandt, Timothy Brandt, Ben Cassese, Sam Hadden, David Hernandez, Gongjie Li, Douglas Lin, Rosemary Mardling, Sarah Millholland, Hanno Rein, Dan Tamayo, Sean Wahl.

I am co-organizing Yale’s Exoplanets & Stars seminar this year. If you are interested in coming to Yale for a talk, especially if you are early-career and on the job market, feel free to shoot me an email. Also feel free to reach out to me via any of the options on the sidebar!